Official Name: Hellenic Republic
Capital: Athens
Total Area: 131,957 sq km 50,949 sq mi
Population: 10,722,816 (2008 estimate)
Population growth rate: 0.15 percent (2008 estimate)
Population density: 82 persons per sq km (2008 estimate) 212 persons per sq mi (2008 estimate)
Largest cities, with population: Athens, 3,215,000 (2003 estimate)
Ethnic groups Greek: 98 percent; others 2%
Languages: Greek (official), Turkish, English, French
Religious Affiliations: Greek Orthodox, 94 percent
Muslim: 3 percent
Nonreligious: 2 percent
Others: 1
The Currency: euro
Literacy rate Total: 97.7 percent (2005 estimate)
Local time: GMT +2 hours.
Economy Gross domestic product (GDP, in U.S. $): $308.4 billion (2006)
Political situation in Greece: It is a democracy and enjoys the member of the EU since January 1981